This public programming series by artist Lena Chen and the Jaded Collective celebrates the art and culture of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.
We are agents and advocates for public art.
Njaimeh Njie, The Village, part of Homecoming: Hill District, USA, 2016–2019.
Projects & Programs
Songs From the Stone Hoop
This CD of original ceremonial music composed by artist, musician, and spiritual leader Miguel Sagué Jr. of the Taíno tribe serves as the foundation for sacred Indigenous ceremonies worldwide.
Nine Mile Run Viewfinder
A portal for seeing, hearing, and smelling the waterway beneath our feet, this artwork by Ginger Brooks Takahashi brings attention to the connections between Nine Mile Run, the stormwater and sewer systems, the Monongahela River, and the water we drink.
We believe art builds community and increases social connection.
Events & Opportunities
Walk & Write: Schenley Park
Friday, September 13 | 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Pittsburgh’s city parks are amazing spaces to explore with creating in mind. Immerse yourself in writing while we walk the trickling waterways of Schenley Park with writer Sherrie Flick.
In the Field: Fabrication
Thursday, September 19 | 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Join artist Tim Engelhardt and public art consultant Morton Brown at Shiftworks’ offices in East Liberty for a presentation on the fabrication of a mural project.
Doing All The Work
Thursday, September 26 | 4 – 5:30 PM ET
Pittsburgh artist David Bernabo leads this session of Public Art Trainng Camp where he will share his methods for starting and maintaining an independent art career while balancing a full-time job.
We work at the convergence of public art and civic design.
Rapid Resources For:
Featured Publications
Public Art + Community: Building resilience through collaboration
From 2020 – 2023 the Public Art and Communities (PAC) program supported four partnerships between artists and community-based organizations to create temporary works of public art.
Add Value Add Art
This guide outlines various project types and best practices for artist selection, budgeting, contracts, and more, and is a valuable resource for both public and private entities.
Artist Residency Resource Guide
For organizations that would like to develop an artist in the public realm residency, as well as for artists who are interested in initiating their own collaborative projects in the public realm.
Pittsburgh Artists Working in Community
This case study explores how we have used the Aesthetic Perspectives framework to develop and evaluate our Artist Residencies and Civic Engagement Programs.