Public Art Management Tools

Shiftworks provides a variety of tools for those interested in working in the public art field.

Browse below to explore a selection of public art administration and management tools from both Shiftworks and our colleagues across the country.

Artist Residencies

Shiftworks resource guide is written for entities that would like to develop an artist in the public realm residency, as well as artists who initiate their own collaborative projects. Learn about how to structure residencies that result in successful collaborations.

Artist Selection

Call for Artist Resource Guide

This guide offers advice and examples about developing Requests for Qualifications and Request for Proposals.

Methods of Artist Selection

This issue paper outlines methods for artist selection for public art commissions, including recommended best practices.

Pittsburgh Artist Registry

Shiftworks has developed a registry of visual, literary, and performing artists in the Pittsburgh region. Visit the registry to view over 1,000 artist profiles.


Shiftworks uses this template as a guide to develop project budgets.


Public Art Network

The Public Art Network of Americans for the Arts has produced a series of annotated contracts and templates. These documents illuminate many of the complex issues involved in the practice of public art.

Fabrication and Conservation Resources

Shiftworks manages a list of fabricators in the Pittsburgh region. To be considered for the list, complete the survey below.

View the most current listing below.

Authored by conservator Jim Gwinner of McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratories, this document can help you identify potential weathering or reaction issues when working with varying metals and organic materials.

Authored by arts administrator Morton Brown, the Mural Making 101 Guide is a resource for artists, organizations, and anyone interested in creating large-scale murals.

Public Art Consultants

Shiftworks Consultant List

Shiftworks maintains a list of national and regional public art consultants.

Association of Professional Art Advisors

This organization for art consultants requires their members to adhere to their code of ethics. The membership list is available online.


To find a conservator, use the membership directory of the AIC, who subscribe to the organization’s code of ethics.

Public Art for Developers

This guide outlines various project types and best practices for artist selection, budgeting, contracts, and more, and is a valuable resource for both public and private entities.

Image credits

Top to bottom, left to right:
(1) Photo by Shiftworks; (2) 2019 Mayor’s Award for Public Art, photo by Shiftworks; (3) I Wish to Say by artist Sheryl Oring, photo by Renee Rosensteel