Pittsburgh Creative Corps Artist Directory

Joshua Ice

Primary Discipline

Digital / lighting / projection art
Sculptural art
Site-specific and integrated art

Artistic Practice

Assemblage, including found objects, multimedia
Fabrication, including wood, metal, glass
Kinetic art

About the Artist

Joshua IceJoshua Ice is an artist that works with ideas related to science and philosophy through sculpture, kinetic, and light-based installation art. With a background in lighting design and technology for the stage, the work presents in many forms. Ice’s studio operates as a fabrication shop: a quasi-laboratory for developing new ideas. Without limiting himself to one medium or even sensory experience, the tools, materials, and skills collected over time, instigate endless possibilities and explorations. Working with traditional and non-traditional gallery spaces such as SPACE, Carlow University Gallery, and Mattress Factory Museum, among others, has offered opportunities to experiment with many different formats and methods. Joshua graduated from Point Park University with a BFA in Lighting Design and Entertainment Technology as well as worked for 5 years as the Exhibitions Manager at Mattress Factory and uses his training to create fully immersive works.

Photo courtesy of the artist


Accreditations, Certifications, and/or Awards

  • BFA in Lighting Design and Technology;
  • Exhibitions Manager for Mattress Factory from 2018-2023, Installer from 2016-2018

Provides Fabrication Services to Other Artists


Teaching Artist


Joined the Directory

April 2023



Pittsburgh Creative Corps

Designed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pittsburgh Creative Corps initiative engages artists and creative workers to activate the public realm while providing economic opportunity.

“The collaborative process of working on public art projects can lead to new and innovative approaches to creating art, as well as provide opportunities for learning and growth.”

Joshua Ice

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    Pittsburgh Creative Corps

    Designed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pittsburgh Creative Corps initiative engages artists and creative workers to activate the public realm while providing economic opportunity.

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