Pittsburgh Creative Corps Artist Directory

Paulina Braverman

Primary Discipline

2-D art, including murals, mosaic, photography, etc.

Artistic Practice

Painting/works on paper/printmaking

About the Artist

Paulina BravermanPaulina Braverman is a painter, muralist, and art educator from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 2023, she earned her BFA in Art & Design from the University of Michigan’s Stamps School of Art & Design, with a focus in painting, drawing, and installation. Additionally, she has extensive experience in printmaking, weaving, and woodworking. Paulina’s painting practice is grounded by her training in realistic portraiture. She most enjoys piecing together compositions that combine figurative subjects with imagery that is relevant to their life story. She has been commissioned for portraits, as well as album covers and visuals for the musical groups SSJ and Joe the Ruckus. She is an emerging muralist, with her first solo mural, “Zapata Mural,” commissioned by renowned Pittsburgh sculptor James Simon. The mural celebrates the life of Mexican Revolutionary leader, Emiliano Zapata and is located on the front wall of his studio in Uptown, Pittsburgh— at 305 Gist St. She is eager to work on more murals in the Pittsburgh area and beyond! Paulina is also passionate about sharing her knowledge with people of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, and interests through group workshops and individual art lessons. Her experience includes Lead Teaching children at trauma-informed Art in the Garden Summer Camp, leading art workshops for adults facing incarceration in a Michigan state prison, and tutoring an older adult in an assisted living facility.

Photo by Paulina Braverman


Provides Fabrication Services to Other Artists


Teaching Artist

Yes, ages 6 and up

Joined the Directory

November 2023



Pittsburgh Creative Corps

Designed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pittsburgh Creative Corps initiative engages artists and creative workers to activate the public realm while providing economic opportunity.

“To me, public art means deep, intentional engagement and collaboration with a particular community in order to celebrate its beauty, share stories, amplify voices, create dialogue, bring joy, empowerment, and unity, and demonstrate care for ourselves and our spaces.”

Paulina Braverman

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    Pittsburgh Creative Corps

    Designed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pittsburgh Creative Corps initiative engages artists and creative workers to activate the public realm while providing economic opportunity.

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