Public Art: Proposal to Installation
Public Art: Proposal to Installation
Award winning artist and NYC Commissioner for Public Art, Kenseth Armstead will guide artists through the process of developing site-specific public art projects.
Award winning artist and NYC Commissioner for Public Art, Kenseth Armstead will guide artists through the process of developing site-specific public art projects.
Join host Sherrie Flick and guest poet Nancy Krygowski for a Walk & Write tour of Greenfield. This tour will occur after dusk; headlamps will be provided for all participants.
Shiftworks is hosting an online portfolio review session to give artists the chance to receive feedback on their work. Artists may reserve up to two 25-minute time slots with the reviewer(s) of their choice.
Write of worlds seen, unseen, and imagined during this Walk & Write tour of the historic Homewood Cemetery with local historian and archivist Jennie Benford and writer Sherrie Flick.