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Winter Intensive: Preparing for Fiscal Sponsorship

Zoom Video Conference

Guest speaker Madeleine Cutrona, Senior Program Officer of Fiscal Sponsorship at the New York Foundation for the Arts, will be sharing her expertise on how artists can apply for fiscal...

Free – $15

Winter Intensive: How to Market Your Creative Projects

Zoom Video Conference

Founded by artist Jason McKoy, McKoy Creative is a Pittsburgh-based brand consulting agency that helps clients figure out what branding works for them and what ideas can really cement their...

Free – $15

OPA Live! Extended with Che Anderson & Matt Gondek

Zoom Video Conference

During the next OPA Live! Extended, Che Anderson and his guest Matt Gondek will discuss the Business of Art and the intersectionality of the public sphere and the metaverse.

Free – $10

Boots on the Sound: Military – Civilian Divide

Zoom Video Conference

This first Boots on the Sound forum will focus on the civilian military draft and the all-volunteer force, raising the question of one's duty to their country.  For this forum,...


OPA Live! Mapping & Art: Unearthing Inner Territories

Instagram Live

Carolina Loyola-Garcia and Nayda Collazo-Llorens will discuss the challenges and experiences around devoting their lives to the arts as artists of Latin American origin living and working in the U.S.


Family Matters: Writing Immigrant Stories

Instagram Live

For the second session of this season of OPA Live! we welcome photographer Karen Lue and her guest, writer Cathy Linh Che. They will be discussing translating immigrant stories and familial relationships into creative work.


PGH Tango Connection at Allegheny Landing

Allegheny Landing Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Join PGH Tango Connection at Allegheny Landing for an hour-long, all-levels class. Participants will learn tango basics; no experience necessary.


Visual Discrepancies in Documentative Art & Journalism

Instagram Live

OPA Live! welcomes host, artist Julie Lee and her guest, visual journalist Selina Lee. Their discussion will focus on documentative media and breaking down racialized and exoticized visual tropes.

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