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Portfolio Reviews, Fall 2022

Zoom Video Conference

Artist Portfolio Reviews will be held on November 2, 2022. This online review session gives artists the opportunity to receive feedback on their work from local and national artists, curators, and arts administrators.


Public Art Opportunities and Applications

Zoom Video Conference

Applications for public art commissions and opportunities can be daunting. A large majority of artists who responded to the Pittsburgh Public Art Counts! survey indicated that they have never applied...

$12 – $20

Artist Self-Organization

Zoom Video Conference

This session of Public Art Training Camp will be led by artists Nataša Prljevic and Farideh Sakhaeifar who will share their experiences as artists and members of HEKLER, an artist-run platform and transnational collective.

$12 – $20

Living and Working as an Independent Artist

Zoom Video Conference

This session of Public Art Training Camp, led by artists Mikael Owunna and Aram Han Sifuentes will focus on how artists can build sustainable and independent art practices.

$12 – $20

Artists Working In Community

Zoom Video Conference

Artists Working in Community is a three-part training series for artists to develop their skills in community-based work in the public realm.

$30 – $45

OPA Live! Culture, Community, and Creativity

Instagram Live

Artist Janel Young takes over the OPA Instagram account for a live conversation with writer and cultural strategist, Melissa Kimble.


OPA Live! The Multitudes

Instagram Live

Almah LaVon Rice and guest Ifasina Clear will explore being creative at the intersections of race, size, mental illness, neurodivergence, and class in this Instagram Live conversation.


Research and Ideation: In the Field with John Peña

Shiftworks Community + Public Arts 224 N. Euclid Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Artist John Peña will share insights into the development of his design and initial research for the Fern Hollow Bridge enhancements project.


Frankie Mae Pace Park Tour

Frankie Mae Pace Park 901 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

This hour and a half event will take participants on an in-depth tour of the highway cap park, with discussion focused on the history, art, and design of the site.

$10 – $15

The Artist and Fabricator Relationship: In the Field with John Peña

Technique Architectural Products 815 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Technique Architectural Products served as the artist's collaborator for the fabrication of the stencils used to create Peña's final artwork, and they have worked closely with artists across the Pittsburgh region to bring their projects into implementation.


Field Session

Nafasi on Centre 2145 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

An information session to introduce artists to OPA and how the organization can help them navigate the public art landscape.

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