OPA is pleased to announce that Naomi Chambers, Lena Chen, and Jessica Gaynelle Moss have been selected for the second cohort of the Artists Bridging Social Distance in the Public Realm (ABSD) initiative.
The Office of Public Art (OPA) released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a visual artist or artist team to design a sculptural relief artwork that will be incorporated into concrete sound barrier panels as part of a highway reconstruction project.
The Office of Public Art (OPA) is pleased to announce their calendar of spring events. While in-person programming is still on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, OPA continues to engage with its audience through online formats for their public programming.
The Office of Public Art and Neighborhood Allies, in collaboration with the Borough of Millvale, Millvale Community Library, and Triboro Ecodistrict, are pleased to announce an open artist call for the Public Art and Communities (PAC) program.
OPA presents a three-part artist training series focused on the public art application process.
Artist designed, self-guided tour invites participants to explore Pittsburgh public art by Black and femme artists. The tour uses illustrated postcards as a guide to different works of art.
Artist Alisha B. Wormsley and the Sibyls Shrine team are pleased to announce the artists selected for the Sibyls Shrine Visiting Artist Residency and Sibyls Shrine Home Residency.