Rachel Klipa

Program Manager for Education and Outreach
Office: 412.336.8182 ex. 103
Direct: 412.806.0243

Rachel Klipa is an arts administrator, curator, educator, and writer. She has 15 years of combined experience in arts administration and public education. Fluent in Serbian and Spanish, Rachel is a globally-minded individual who values critical thinking, interdisciplinary approaches, and DIY efforts.

Her main areas of focus include modern and contemporary art from Serbia, and public art – with an emphasis on New Deal murals and socially and civically engaged art practices in both Serbia and the United States. Her most recent curatorial projects include Among Women: Contemporary Art from Serbia and The Wind Got Up in the Night and Took Our Plans Away. Rachel has received grants from The Heinz Endowments, the Trust for Mutual Understanding, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and the American Embassy in Serbia in support of her work.

As the Program Manager for Education at Shiftworks Community + Public Arts, Rachel is responsible for developing and implementing educational programs, collection research, and project management.

Rachel is a board member for Flamenco Pittsburgh, is an active flamenco dancer, and regularly performs with Alba Flamenca.

Rachel holds degrees in art history, education, and Spanish.

Image credits

Photo by sarah huny young